Quintana Roo in red traffic light alert for C19

 Quintana Roo in red traffic light alert for C19

Once again the warning of a setback was given, and not only that, the general call for attention was forceful, Quintana Roo is the only state in the country where the disregard for preventive measures has reigned and for the fifth consecutive week the cases of infection are on the rise.

With a fixed gaze, Dr. Hugo Lopez Gatell, repeated the name of Quintana Roo, making it clear that this week the state will remain in orange. That’s right, from May 10 to 16, it is suggested to tighten prevention measures, at least before the worst can happen.

During last weekend, Governor Carlos Joaquín González, was pleading with the population, because on the eve of Mother’s Day, gatherings could increase the number of infections very quickly, giving everyone a hard time. He was very adamant in saying that events of more than 150 people can no longer be tolerated.

Just this Monday night I heard a couple of ambulances prowling around Cancún and I could not help but remember the difficult times my México has been going through in these last months, since hospitals are overcrowded, and in the worst cases the sick are abandoned to their fate.

Now you know, it is better to pay attention to the measures, if you are going out, do it with your mask, if you are going to be with someone, take a healthy distance, and of course do not forget to wash your hands with soap and water every now and then, or use antibacterial gel instead.

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