Another battle between palestinians and israelis

 Another battle between palestinians and israelis

Once again, death and destruction return relentlessly to the Gaza Strip and Tel Aviv, in that endless duel in which Palestinians and Israelis bleed to death and which never finds its end, since the latter began displacing the former and the former answered with violence until war became the only language.

In recent days, about thirty Palestinians and three Israeli women have been killed, although the numbers may have grown as time goes on and the Islamist Palestinian militias, always at a technological disadvantage, face the well-armed Israeli army, backed by major powers such as the United States.

Among the dead Palestinians there are children and those who are still alive grow up with resentment towards those intruders who for decades have been taking over the territory of their ancestors and treating them as inferior beings until they are almost caged in small spaces, such as Gaza and the West Bank, in deplorable hygienic conditions.

Mothers are crying for their dead sons as the crossfire continues and both Hamas leader Ismail Haniya and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu maintain their warlike stances, and fires and collapses of homes and public buildings on both sides can already be recorded, in addition to many wounded.

During the month of Ramadan, this recent violent conflict erupted, where more than three hundred Palestinians were injured when they clashed with the police at the Al Aqsa Mosque, and it spread to the Gaza Strip, which continues showing resistance actions in the name of the so-called Operation Al-Quds Sword.

Dead and more dead are added, most of them Palestinians victims of Israeli soldiers, who marginalize and corner them, forgetting that their ancestors suffered similar outrages, discrimination, imprisonment and death in the concentration camps of Europe. Tears continue to fall today on the same land where Jesus himself lived.

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