Unbelievable! Another day without electricity in Playa del Carmen

 Unbelievable! Another day without electricity in Playa del Carmen

Quintana Roo, México.- The night was already set and little or no noise could be heard in the streets of Playa del Carmen; thousands of residents were finishing their Mother’s Day celebrations, others after a hard day’s work were getting ready to rest, when suddenly the power went out, and their nightly activities were interrupted.

The first neighborhoods to suffer the untimely cut were: Misión de las Flores, Xcacel, Palmas 1, Paseo de los Olivos and Zona in House, which were gradually joined by others. Their activities were interrupted without prior notice, and the complaints to CFE were making noise through the social networks… with a rain of tweets users were looking for solutions or even to know what was happening.

The next morning, residents upset by the bad night they had spent, gathered to demonstrate on Constituyentes Avenue, blocking it by placing stones along the street, their goal became evident, they wanted to stop vehicular traffic and finally attract the attention of the Federal Electricity Commission, which until then had remained oblivious to the problem.

An attention call in the streets

In the heat of the night, the grilla was present and at the moment supporters of Movimiento Ciudadano attended, of course with the participation of their candidate, Marciano “Chano” Toledo. According to noticaribe.com, the citizens did not want to go near the activists… lest they be mistaken for supporters.

Even though some people believed the malfunction in the operation of the service could be one of the reasons for the outage, that wasn’t the case and to the surprise of many, it was the irresponsible act of a couple of people. Grupo Sipse explained that these people tried to steal the electric cable, so frustrated their attempt, they did nothing more than damage the facilities located on Constituyentes Avenue.

That same day, the interruptions were present in the downtown area, so in addition to the students who could not take their classes, merchants and businessmen were confused and in trouble; the blackouts were intermittent during the afternoon of Tuesday, what could be happening in Playa del Carmen? 

The anger and frustration of the population continues even this Wednesday, with complaints and questioning of the authorities at different levels, as the electric current continues to be suspended in several sectors. Yes, we woke up without electricity again!

The anger and frustration of the citizens continued…

On Thursday, May 13, the residents, fed up with the heat due to not being able to turn on the air conditioning and also experiencing dark nights, got up early and began blocking the intersection of Lilis and CTM avenues at 5:00 in the morning.

This movement caused a lot of traffic because of the circulation of cargo trucks and the anger of drivers passing through the area, so traffic agents arrived immediately to divert the citizens and calm the situation. The residents of these subdivisions are asking the Federal Electricity Commission for a response, as they can no longer continue having electricity on and off every other day.

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