Water leak repaired in Cancun’s hotel zone

 Water leak repaired in Cancun’s hotel zone

Quintana Roo – The water is leaking and softening the ground, threatening to burst until it creates chaos near the Calindan bridge, it is kilometer 4.5 of the main avenue of the Hotel Zone of Cancun, which is damaged, but in time Aguakan technicians intervene and open a large hole of eight meters in diameter.

A patch over the wound, even if it means that passers-by have to get off the sidewalk and follow the road on Boulevard Kukulkán, and that vehicles have to go around the hole while the workers repair the damaged pipe at their own pace.

This is the story of that excavation, located in the most emblematic part of Cancun’s tourism. Earth, water, pipes… form a plot, in which those men act, silent and uniformed, men who put a lot of dedication so that life remains beautiful.

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