Light bulbs, television, refrigerators, and daily cell phone charges had never been so expensive, the costs that we are now supposedly preparing to pay are on the rise.

And it is extremely strange, since the daily consumption is not the double now, so “how could it be possible that from one month to another the increase is of 100%?” many users ask themselves, after checking their bills.

With these doubts, some residents of the beaches feel unprotected by the sudden increases made by the Federal Electricity Commission, which although it was announced that they would happen since April, it came as a surprise to more than one, that if they used to pay 400 pesos, they are paying 800 now.

Living without electricity is something unimaginable, and although the costs increased after the arrival of the pandemic, filing a complaint is one of the options available to more than 60 percent of the affected families, which are threatened by the decision of the voracious company.

Many of the families in the state of Quintana Roo only rely on the basics as far as the use of electrical appliances is concerned, just to heat their food, to take care of its temperature so that it does not spoil, just to live with adequate lighting, to clear their minds after working all day long. Just to continue studying, working, to cope with the heat, and not to let our eyesight get blurred by the abuses of the CFE.

With information from canal

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