OAS calls for a farewell to electoral violence in Mexico

 OAS calls for a farewell to electoral violence in Mexico

The elections are approaching and despite the fact that we are going through a worldwide pandemic, more than 93 million Mexicans (with all the anti-contagion measures), will go out to vote to renew the Chamber of Deputies, 15 of the 32 governors, 30 local congresses and thousands of city councils, in what is already known as “the largest elections in the history of Mexico”.

The current electoral process has become difficult, violent, the recent deaths and acts of violence have caused us to question, what is happening in Mexico? The situation is as follows: at least 88 politicians have been murdered, 34 of which were candidates or aspirants, and the process began only last September.

But the Organization of American States, the OAS, has a very clear goal; to visit the country in order to meet with representatives of the Government, candidates, parties, academics and members of the civil society and the international community, to ask them to eradicate violent discourse as a resource for political competition, and to ask them to clarify their differences “in an institutional manner” and also to invite the electoral authorities to carry out “their functions without pressure”.

With the representation of the Argentine Santiago Canton and through a press release, the OAS expressed its great concern for the current elections, for the incidents of violence that have occurred and lamented the loss of human lives.

This upcoming June 6, the OAS will have “observers who will be deployed to different states to observe the preparations and the development of the election day”, which will serve to present a report to the Permanent Council of the OAS and perhaps lower the temperature of these heated elections.

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