[PHOTOS] Pre-Hispanic Maya exhibition leaves Yucatán for China

 [PHOTOS] Pre-Hispanic Maya exhibition leaves Yucatán for China

Foto: EFE / Pre-Hispanic Maya exhibition leaves Yucatán for China

It is the first time that an exhibition created in Mérida, Yucatán, with pieces that tell stories, that speak of years and years ago, that reveal secrets of the ancient Maya, reaches an international level.

This magical product contains fragments of history that the jungle could not destroy and that the inquisitorial fire could not burn, in them you can read aloud fragments of history and remember what was believed to no longer exist.

And now it can be seen around the world, thanks to the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), which will be bringing to China and Korea in the following months: pieces of stone, stucco, shell, paper, bone and ceramics in the artistic exhibition “The Visible Word, Maya hieroglyphic writing”.

The exhibit will feature 80 pieces carved in bone that tell stories of Maya kings, such as Uk’uuw Chan Chaahk, the celestial god of rain, who makes the clouds cry, or the lord of the domain of the Ka’n in Ho’. Pieces that come from archaeological ruins such as Ek Balam, Oxkintok, Mayapán or Uxmal, interesting don’t you think?

The intentions of both the INAH and the Ministry of Culture are to take the collection to China and Korea in a few months so that there will be a diplomatic exchange with their respective embassies and after that, the whole world will know the secrets of the Maya

But if you think that because you live in Mexico you won’t be able to enjoy this exhibition, don’t worry! because these artistic pieces can still be enjoyed for two more months in the city of Mérida Yucatán, at the Cantón Palace Museum, so set aside the date to go and see this exhibition filled with history and secrets.

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