They put on their t-shirts and began to walk along the entire shore of the beach in Punta Brava, Puerto Morelos, where a contingent of almost fifty volunteers gathered to carry out the cleaning of one of the coasts where turtles usually come to nest and lay their eggs.

With bags in hand, a cap to cover themselves from the sun and gloves to protect themselves from the materials they could find, they set out to carry out this task as part of the penultimate of the events organized by the Festival of the Oceans, which although it may seem of small impact, is the grain of sand with which an organized group contributes, already convinced of the arduous need to remove materials that harm the ecosystems.

Thus, with the idea of providing a space for reflection, experts and amateurs are celebrating the great extensions of water of our planet, with lectures, drawing contests, tips on how to cook our dishes from the sea to the table, and various recreational activities, this since May 27 and until today June 8, as part of World Oceans Day. 

Since 2012, a group of citizens committed to the environment has managed to carry out more than thirty-seven events in which five thousand three hundred and sixty-four volunteers have participated in total, who have been given the task of collecting 14 thousand 703 kilograms of garbage, among which plastic stands out.

The vast jungle territory in which we are immersed has led us to understand the importance of the conservation of these lung stations for the planet, but it is from the blue of the seas that small organisms help produce more than half the oxygen in the world.

Friends, families, organizations and companies that gather at the #FestOcéanos know that it is important to continue this work, and even with this years’ pandemic they managed to carry out different activities, even this Tuesday when they will close virtually with a Cycle of Conferences of #DivulgaciónCientífica that will start at 5 pm to end at nightfall at 7:30, through their Facebok Live, which you can access HERE.

If you are curious, let me tell you that you do not need previous knowledge, do not hesitate, you are just a click away from discovering all this information.

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