Cold water, a great remedy for stress

 Cold water, a great remedy for stress

For all those who stress too much, I have a quick and effective solution, that’s if you are willing to feel cold all over your body, of course! We have heard everywhere that an ice cold shower has many benefits for our health, but today I will tell you about the possibility of eliminating not only stress, but also help you to improve your mood and benefit your brain, immune system and heart.

It is all about using cold water as a remedy for these situations since the human body acts quickly when a life-threatening situation arises, and everything in order to survive. When your body comes in contact with cold water, it triggers an acceleration of the heart, your muscles contract, and even your jaw starts to tremble, this happens because your body is changing temperature quickly, which causes your immune system to wake up, because it is under stress.

But if we were going to eliminate stress, why would we stress our body by using cold water?

Simple, we have been taught that stress is bad, but in small amounts it helps a lot, according to research conducted in recent years, subjecting your body to a small dose of stress could save your life, cold water generates this small dose, so a dip in a cenote, a pool with ice water or simply a cold shower generates enough benefits for your body.

It was discovered in some of the research that winter swimmers get sick a lot less than other people and although it was previously believed that it was because of the sport itself, today it has been proven that it happens because their body gets stressed by the temperature level of the liquid in which they swim. There have also been case studies that have shown that swimming in cold water helps in reducing the need for antidepressants.

But how much time do I have to spend in cold water to generate benefits?

As in everything, you have to start from scratch, if you are looking to learn a musical instrument, you will not start by giving a concert, you must first seek to adapt your immune system to this change, start by spending about 30 or 40 seconds in cold water after finishing your normal shower and gradually increase the time, cold water is not as bad as it seems!

If you want to try it, start today and as the days go by keep gradually increasing the dose, believe me, you will see the changes not only in your health but in your hair, your skin and sooner that later your whole body will thank you.

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