The sky of the Riviera Maya is illuminated in gray and white, the season of rains and big winds has arrived, and with it a drop in all the nautical activities, nevertheless, beyond the activities the climate restricts, the threat for this sector lies in its zone, the sea, which has been invaded by the brown tones of the macroalgae.

The accumulation of sargassum along some beaches of Quintana Roo has been going on for weeks, and the people in the vicinity have tried to remove the plant by their own hand, but it is already so much that the residents are tired and demand help from the government.

Even the president of Nautical Associates of Quintana Roo (ANQR), Francisco Fernández, has said that the capacity of the Marine Secretariat (Semar) has been exceeded, therefore its aid has been insufficient, a glimpse to the beaches gives it away… the algae begins to pile up, and the boats cannot advance, getting stuck on the shore, the affectation transcends, because now it worries that the motors are damaged.

There is concern in this sector and sadness looms on the seashore, which reports losses of between 30 and 40 percent of its income, which in turn represents a daily sum of around 100 million pesos.

However, there is hope behind the scientists who have managed to form the Sargasso Monitoring Network, with which they can anticipate movements to manage the macroalgae and already foresee a recalculation of 4 thousand tons. The network, headed by hydro-biologist Esteban Amaro, has detected an average of 40 coastal points with an excessive amount of macroalgae in Cancún, Puerto Morelos, Cozumel, Tulum, Mahahual and Xcalak.

The effort of the families dedicated to the services of the sea is now focused on collecting the seaweed, day after day, with tools in hand they carry thousands of bundles, trying to clean the beaches that already scare away the tourists who prefer to look to other destinations rather than suffer the nauseating smell of the area where the seaweed settles. And after weeks of this, these families are tired, so they asked the government for workers to take care of it.

Although many would like to put an end to it quickly, it is not possible to bring large shovels or heavy machinery into the area, as this would damage the ecosystem. The governor of Quintana Roo, Carlos Joaquín González, has already recognized problems with the anti-sandbarrier, and this Thursday he will meet with the Secretary of the Navy, Rafael Ojeda Durán, in a meeting that is urgently needed.

Translated by Miguel Sánchez

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