In the streets of the Riviera Maya the decrease in the massive arrival of people is noticeable, although slightly, since tourism is one of its main economic activities, and this implies continuous movement both in terms of people who go out for work and those who do it for relaxation or fun.

With one more week in orange, people are asked not to lower their guard, hope is on the way. In compliance with the vaccination strategy against covid, the State Health Secretariat declared that 578,470 vaccines have already been administered, the equivalent to 34 percent of the population, and according to national authorities, more vaccines will arrive soon for the people living along the riverside.

During his morning conference and with his characteristic spirit, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador informed that in the last week of June, vaccination of adults between 30 and 39 years old will begin in Baja California Sur and Quintana Roo, and that details will be specified in the next few days. 

It was through a virtual session with representatives of the federal government and state governors that the Undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion, Hugo López-Gatell Ramírez, confirmed that the vaccination of adults between 18 and 29 years of age will be sought in a successive manner.

One decision that raised controversy… was that Baja California received the first batch of vaccines; as many began to spread the rumor that Quintana Roo would no longer be vaccinated until further notice, however, the decision was made due to the fact that in the last few days both states have presented an increase in the number of infections.

Although the work of the federal and state governments to counteract the cases of infections has been maintained. Hundreds of patients continue to arrive at hospitals in Quintana Roo, although with less severe symptoms. As of today, Friday, there are 246 hospitalized patients and 1786 in social isolation, with a lethality rate of 9.67 percent, and in the best of cases a great majority will be able to join the line of recovered patients and maintain a good response of antibodies for 20 to 30 days after the infection.

However, this is not a reason to be too confident, the need to validate vaccination as the only way to guarantee our safety, or at least our protection, has been emphasized on several occasions; neither here nor in China does magic exist, discipline is the key, or on the contrary, the lack of it is our damnation. Quintana Roo has been facing the 3rd wave for weeks now, unfortunately the sadness and sorrow of having sick people at home or in the hospital continues, where 1 out of every 10 infected people dies.

The inhabitants of the tourist jewel of Mexico must take care to follow the recommended measures for the control of covid; there are many of us who already understand that the virus exists and it is more common to see people using masks, something that was missing in previous days.

It seems that looking each other more closely in the eyes in order to understand one another and to make ourselves understood is becoming more common. Authorities urged us not to lower our guard in order to avoid outbreaks throughout the country.

Translated by Miguel Sánchez

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