Mexican Market: An Encounter Point

 Mexican Market: An Encounter Point

The mexican sites are more than an exchange of products, they actually mean the most important linguistic relationship that we all have in common. The “street markets”(tianguis) were the first mesoamerican example of social living, besides the amazing variety of goods representing the folklor it self (feeling) of many communities with hunger for expression.

In these places it was crucial to communicate even the different ideas starting with the word might be supposed; it was usual to practice  the interpersonal bond based on language and object,showing the origin and the taste of the person.

There were exotic leathers, ocelot, jaguar, deer, tapir, fine feathers from quetzal, macaw, hummingbird; metals like gold and silver, obsidian tips, turquoise, jade, coral, fig tree paper, corn, pumpkin, chilli pepper, vanilla, jicama, cocoa (even as a currency), turkeys, grasshopper, escamol (ant larva), honey of bees and agave, flowers, plants and medicinal herbs, etc.

In the actuality mexican markets are an encounter points of the deepest mestizo singularity, corridors of a cultural costumbrist recognition, veins where culture flows with all the energy that it has on its own, noises impregnating the skin, murals of artists in love with that thing that forge, babble sounds of melancholy, scandalous jubilation and an implacable  activity of the senses to discover.

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