Michael Archangel: Felt symbolism

 Michael Archangel: Felt symbolism

Around the 27th to the 30th of september begins one of the most important religious  celebrations in the region centre of Mexico.

Once grown the grounds of Yauhtli or Pericon (little yellow flower similar to the european hypericum wich announces the coming rain for all) they collect them and make them in shape of a “cross” (christian creed) and place them on crops, doors, fenestrations, business, etc., giving protection against “evil or diabolic vibrations”.

For the current peasantry Saint Michael has become not only the chief of the celestial armies but even becomes the “Time laborer” , “Nahualayo” that rules the angels for the irrigation and contention of the water in its fair distribution.

Before the Spaniards came over to these lands, it was usual to venerate or worship , right on the same date, to Huitzilopochtli (in nahuatl, ” left handed -hummingbird” or “hummingbird of the south”). He was fundamental in the common living of the prehispanic (mexicas): an exceptional guide to the sun path, a god of the war that takes care of men until their emancipation and divine projection.

Archangel Michael  is a distinguished instructor after death, is that spectre who helps in the malevolent, a being warning  the balance of the opposites, he is the archangel which is collocated towards the east in the temples niches watching the entrance of the Sun or God.The shining colors on the flowers make their stand when they are presented to honor the different cults, and more when Huitzilopochtli or the Archangel Michael is about.

There is a blending of beliefs that conform a country vast in representative spirituality, communities explaining and feeling with reverence every corner of ordinary life, making possible the magic that tells us and encourages the presence of the soul through signs

Juan Carlos Gutiérrez Barraza

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